Peer Review Process
Neurological Surgery and Anatomy defines in Editorial Policy that the editorial office initially receives manuscripts for a checklist, which attests that all documents are in accordance format requested in the Guidelines for the author and identification of plagiarism. If the documentation does not comply with the journal's policies, the manuscripts are returned to the corresponding author, with a date set for the return. The quality of images, tables, and graphs are certified, and ORCID of the authors submitted in the electronic system.
The editor-in-chief reviews manuscripts. After initial approval, they are forwarded to the associate editors in their respective areas of the manuscripts, who analyze their importance, originality, clarity, and relevance of the study for knowledge. Associate editors reject or recommend the continuation of the process, indicating at least two reviewers. Reviewers, after reading, recommend:
- Accept submission;
- Required revisions;
- Resubmit for review or;
- Decline submission.
After peer review, the editor-in-chief forwards the reviewers' opinions to the corresponding author for requested corrections. After corrections, the editor-in-chief makes the editorial decision based on the recommendations and sends the manuscripts for technical review. Depending on the technical opinion, the final decision on further technical corrections, acceptance, or rejection is taken and communicated to the corresponding author.
After this phase, the corresponding author receives the article for proofreading. Proofreading consists of the final reading of the manuscript before publication, and the author must request adjustments when necessary or authorize publication within 48 hours of being notified.